Histological and histometrical structure of the normal spleen vein and in the patients with portal hypertension
May 23rd 2017Sergey MinaevFor scientists & Pediatrics & Surgery

The histological and hystometric structure of the spleen vein of norm and patients with portal hypertension has been studied in patients of different age groups: children aged 7–12, teenagers and adults aged 18–30. It was discovered that common thickness of spleen vein’s wall increases with age and it could vary in various venous parts. Progressive increase of the spleen vein thickness especially in its portal part was revealed in patients with portal hypertension since the age of 12 years. The most severe changes along with muscular fibers atrophy and even complete disappearance were observed in the adult patients with portal hypertension. In different parts of vein longitudinal fibers became slim, but circular fibers of the medial layer were thickened. Thus, histological structure and thickness of the spleen vein’s wall has different and individual peculiarities and the similar level of tissue pathological changes in patients with portal hypertension.