Archive for the 'Experimental medicine' Category

Наднациональные (международные) рекомендации по наследуемым аневризмам и расслоениям грудной аорты

Наднациональные (международные) рекомендации по наследуемым аневризмам и расслоениям грудной аорты разработаны группой специалистов Евразийской ассоциации терапевтов, Белорусского научного общества кардиологов и Российского научного медицинского общества терапевтов, утверждены на II съезде Евразийской ассоциации терапевтов 19–20 мая 2016 года (Ереван), VII съезде кардиологов, кардиохирургов, рентгенэндоваскулярных и сосудистых хирургов Республики Беларусь 15–16 декабря 2016 года (Минск).

Updated Privacy Policy

As part of our commitment to privacy and transparency, we’re updating our Privacy Policy. We want to give you more information about how we collect and use personal information — in a more organized and readable format. “Your privacy is critically important to us.” These are the first words of our Privacy Policy, and words we […]

Hashtags in scientific work

In the paper “Disease-Specific Hashtags for Online Communication About Cancer Care” by Matthew S. Katz et al. from JAMA  Oncol.  analyzed the effectiveness of Hashtags in medical work.

Mechanisms of reparative osteogenesis under the influence of pulsed laser of infrared range

The pathophysiological aspects of reparative osteogenesis of bone tissue of the jaws under the influence of pulsed laser radiation in the infrared range in the experiment on animals were investigated. Radiographic, histologic, histochemical and electron microscopic data

Neural crest-related stem cells of oral origins in vitro and used in osteoporotic sheep model for being investigated due to therapeutic effects in alveolar bone regeneration

Neural crest-related stem cells (NCSC) have great promise in the field of regenerative medicine due to their differentiation potential into several lineages. Besides the periodontium, and root surfaces of extracted teeth, NCSC can be obtained from the palate, which represents a large stem cell reservoir in the mucosa.