Neural crest-related stem cells of oral origins in vitro and used in osteoporotic sheep model for being investigated due to therapeutic effects in alveolar bone regeneration
Feb 1st 2017Sergey MinaevExperimental medicine
Neural crest-related stem cells (NCSC) have great promise in the field of regenerative medicine due to their differentiation potential into several lineages. Besides the periodontium, and root surfaces of extracted teeth, NCSC can be obtained from the palate, which represents a large stem cell reservoir in the mucosa. Osteoporotic Sheep provide an appropriate large animal model for preclinical studies. In this initial study, we focused on approving the Osteoporotic Sheep Model, the isolation and characterization of NCSC from osteoporotic sheep palate as an alternative to other stem cell sources and on appropriate X-ray and histological methods for evaluation of the alveolar bone regeneration process. Primary ovine neural crest-related stem cells were obtained from the palate for comparison with human derived NCSC. The cultured ovine NCSC, which were sorted by different methods of characterization were examined for morphology, proliferation and bone-regenerative activity in our osteoporotic sheep model. Density expression of alveolar bone was measured by using CT images. Osteogenic potentials of ovine NCSCs were evaluated by different histological measurements on non-demineralized and demineralized alveolar bone tissues. The in vitro cell assays demonstrated the osteoinductive potential of ovine NCSC as typical sphere-forming pure stem cell culture and its proliferation, and differentiation as well as initial bone formation in a large-animal model. The different histological measurements on non-demineralized and demineralized alveolar bone tissues used in our proof of principle study have showed a high potential for evaluating the regenerative bone processes taking place in our Osteoporotic Sheep Model. Based on these findings, ovine NCSC might serve as an appropriate alternative cell source in pre-clinical research using a large animal model for evaluating the regenerative bone processes taking place in the Osteoporotic Sheep Model developed by our interdisciplinary and international research group.
Reproducible and suitable animal models are required for in vivo experiments to investigate newly developed dental implants and new osteoinductive biomaterials for augmentation of alveolar bones at risk for changes due to the aging process. Different aspects of bone healing can be studied in animal models.
Therefore, questions regarding whether aging and osteoporosis negatively affect the success rate of alveolar bone regeneration remain unanswered. This could be due to the lack of studies comparatively evaluating the same biomaterial in healthy, aged, and osteoporotic large-sized animals.
The aim of the published study was to investigate the suitability of the post-extraction mandibular ridge in osteoporotic sheep for comparative bone regenerative research, to establish histological protocols for this model, to generate baseline histomorphometric data in this model, to study the effect of variations in healing of tooth extraction sockets. The hypothesis tested was the post-extraction osteoporotic sheep mandible is a suitable model for comparative bone regenerative research.
Multipotent neural-crest related stem cells (NCSCs) can be easily raised from a variety of adult human oral tissues including healthy and inflamed periodontium and palate and possess immunomodulatory capabilities affecting the majority of immune cells. Neural crest-related stem cells (NCSCs) have been used in the preclinical models of a variety of bone disorders, and neurologic and neuro-inflammatory disorders such as MS, spinal cord injury and stroke. It was initially assumed that transplanted NCSCs home to affected sites and, upon expansion and differentiation, directly replace the lost cell types and tissues. In general, the past and current research of the Grimm research group is focused on adult (somatic) stem cells and the regulation of their fundamental biological properties including differentiation, proliferation, and migration. They are interested in the impact of pro- and anti-inflammatory signals on neural stem cells (ancestors of nerve and glial cells), and neural crest-derived cells (progenitor of e.g. pigment cells and bones within the head region). NC cells migrate out of their niche after neurulation and give rise to various cell populations. Importantly, especially in the cranial region, NC cells differentiate not only into ectodermal derivatives such as peripheral neurons and melanocytes, but are also able to generate mesenchymal progeny (e.g. osteoblasts). The published article is directed to investigate novel sources of NCSCs and their regenerative potential in different experimental and pathological scenarios including disease and injury models.